Maslows theory was created in 1945 by Abraham Maslow, he thought that if individuals felt safe and happy in their workplace then they would to and achieve more to make themselves happier.The Maslow theory describes the Hierarchy of needs an individual would need and like to have. The five key concepts are Physiological needs, safety, social, esteem and self- actualization. Physiological needs include things such as food, rest, recreation and money to pay the bills. The next level is safety this can include protection against danger and poverty, job security and security when in the field and around machinery. The next level is social which revolves around the need for belonging and friendship within the workplace. The next level is esteem which is how you feel and how you are rewarded and praised for your work. The last level is self actualisation which is succeeding to your full potential and being given responsibility within the business.
The Herzberg theory was created in 1959 by Frederick Herzberg, a psychologist who believed that job satisfaction and dissatisfaction acted independently on each other. The