Moving Away: A Short Story

Words: 1916
Pages: 8

I don’t want it. It needs to get out of my house. I thought it was gone. I had never been so wrong...

It started as a life-changing decision for us. Moving away from our hometown, forgetting friends and starting a new life. The house we moved to was far from where we lived. It was about a three day drive. We moved from New York to Wisconsin. I was the most against it, I had a social life, I was actually pretty popular, I made friends with everyone. My parents were usually isolated in their house. They were the nicest parents anyone could ask for… Sorry I’m getting off topic. They didn’t have many friends and most of our family was in Wisconsin. The ride was fun, I listened to music and texted my girlfriend Leah. She was perfect. We had in common almost all of our interests. When we did get to the house….I was stunned. It was a beautiful Victorian style house, two stories, already furnished. At first I was a bit skeptical on how my parents got the money for such an extravagant structure as this.
We spent most of the day unpacking. I took an hour to unpack and then explored. Everything looked so nice and new. It had a nice smell of pine
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Dinner will be done in a few minutes.” I held back the excitement until I opened the door. I spent a good minute or so finding the light switch, I had to dig through insulation to find it. It took a second or so to turn on and I saw the floor. It looked wet and clammy. I calmly walked down two steps. My heart began having palpitations. Two turned to four, to six. Then finally, I was down. It mostly consisted of boxes stacked up and a few work-benches. The light was dim so I took out my phone and turned on the flashlight. In terms of square-feet, the basement was almost larger than the house! It was gargantuan! There was the one light-source, hanging from the ceiling. I began smiling. Why wouldn’t my parents want me to go down here? I couldn’t start to wonder when I heard: “DINNERS