Moving School Start Time

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Pages: 3

There have already been laws passed in California and Florida that require high schools to move back to their starting times. Other schools and states are wondering if this is the right thing to do. Based on numerous responses to this question, moving start time simply is not the way to go. Moving school start time will not fix as many problems as it creates. It will cause major problems for parents who need to get to work in the morning, push back extracurricular activities such as sports, will not prepare students for their future, and mess up teens’ sleep schedules worse than they already are. If the times are changed, it will be a poor outcome for all parties involved. One of the biggest issues with moving school start times doesn’t even …show more content…
Parents would be forced to either show up to work late or have to leave their kids unattended before school starts. There is another option, the school transportation system, such as buses. The problem with this is that when times are moved back, it would create more traffic before and after school. With added traffic, it makes an accident involving students way more likely. Another major reason to keep school start times the same is that schools wouldn’t have to push back on extracurricular activities. Examples of extracurricular activities include sports, clubs, and even after school jobs. All of these activities are beneficial to developing teens' understanding of how to navigate the world. They help with leadership skills and responsibility. It would be a shame if I could not get these opportunities. A study shows that, there was a “decrease in after-school activity participation for middle and high school students (3–4%).” Now this might seem like a lot, but those few kids missing out because of the time could have had their extracurriculars change their life. Having classes earlier in the morning helps students prepare for their