Music Mentoring

Words: 1679
Pages: 7

Many students go to school each day feeling anxious and overwhelmed. One way of reducing these feelings is for the students to work with mentors in and out of school who can teach them coping mechanisms. The student must first feel comfortable and trust their mentor before they can take the next step towards implementing some of their ideas.
Music mentoring is a trusted and structured relationship that brings young people together with caring individuals who offer guidance, support and encouragement. A mentor is an older person who provides a younger person with support, counsel, friendship, reinforcement and leads by example. They are also people who care, and want to bring out the strengths that young people already have. Every young person has the potential to succeed at life and contribute to society but not all of them get the support they need to thrive. By all estimates, an astounding 17.6 million young people (nearly half the population of young people between 10 and 18 years of age) live in situations that put them at risk of not living up to their potential ( Mentoring can help by improving children's attitudes towards parents, peers and teachers, encouraging students to stay focused and motivated
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Research on how emotions and the brain work together is relatively recent (LeDoux 1996). Researchers have concluded that we experience emotional feelings when three events occur in our brains: activation of the amygdala; activation of our arousal system by neurotransmitters; and bodily feedback, such as heart pounding or other physical reactions (LeDoux 1996). Therefore, the cortex, which helps with our ability to control our emotional reactions, is not necessarily involved in our emotional