Wall Of Honor Research Paper

Words: 588
Pages: 3

Honor, defined as high respect or recognition. What better attribute to dedicate this paper to, than my well known, great and distinctive Alma mater, E.E.Smith Senior high school. Though Mrs. Fields shared some very interesting facts about the Wall of Honor, from the African Mask to slave ship. Considering the pride I have in my heart for my Alma Mater, I felt the urge to give positive insight on E.E.Smith's past, present and overall contributions to our community. E.E.Smith was established in 1927, and named after Ezekiel Ezra Smith, who was a Doctor and a U.S. Ambassador to Liberia and he was the President of Fayetteville State University (NC Encyclopedia). How many schools do you know of that relocated more than once, because of its fast growing size, well surprisingly, this high school relocated four different times over the years. From 1927 to 1929, the Orange Street School served as the high school. Then the school was then moved to the building on Campbell Avenue in September of 1929, known as the Southside High School. This building was used until 1932, and September 1932, the school was re-housed in the building on Orange Street, remaining there until January, 1940. A new modern structure was built on Washington Drive in 1941, where this building served students until June 1954. Now the current physical …show more content…
Speaking on, coming from nothing to something, today this school consists of approximately 50 classrooms, housing foreign languages, science and computer labs, offices, a guidance suite, library, auditorium, music rooms, 2 gymnasiums, cafeteria, music building and a physical education building (NC Encyclopedia). Since 2009, this intuition has changed phenomenally, more honor graduates, rigorous classes that prepare the students academically and outstanding athletic