My Life Story: My Experience As A Hispanic Woman

Words: 472
Pages: 2

My life story is the reason for my academic success. My experience as a Hispanic woman has influence me to continue my path toward higher education. In my culture, females are viewed as a maid or property. I want to end this stereotype by being the first generation to go to college. The reason for wanting to tell my story is to express my struggles and how I overcame them; it will motivate me to continue my journey into higher education.

As a young girl, I was told that women are responsible for taking care of their husbands. I never agreed to this idea and was often criticized for it. My father abandoned us and my mother was left alone to take care of my brother and I. She worked long shifts and had no time to spend with her kids. She didn’t want me to follow into her footsteps. Unfortunately, I was having trouble in school but, had no one to help me. While, everyone else was solving math problems and reading short stories; I could barely
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While, the other kids of my ages spend their free time playing outside; I was at home learning how to read a sentence. It took me awhile but, by third grade I was an honor student. My motivation of defining my culture view of women helped me to stay focus throughout high school. I didn’t want to become a teen mom or work at a cleaning company. I want a brighter future for my family and me.
Going to college will be the starting point to change my family view of me. It will prove to them that I can accomplish more than just getting married. I will want to pursue a career in speech therapy because of the way my culture views speech disabilities. My culture believes that children with speaking disabilities are slow and are craving attention. I disagree with this idea and believe that many children need help and can overcome this disability with professional treatment. My experience will self-motivate me to continue to do my best in