Submitted By Teresa-Ward
Words: 432
Pages: 2

MY PHILOSOPHY Teachers and librarians often have a common goal: to educate the children they come into contact with every day and instill a love of learning into each student. Teachers are entrusted with the care of students every day and their parents send them to school with the thought that they will be taken care of, loved, protected, and watched over. Teachers and librarians have another common goal: to promote academic, personal and ethical growth and learning in students. Learning must start with motivation and inspiration. They must find a way to pass this motivation and inspiration along to the students. Along this journey, teaching and learning will become synonymous. It will become a journey for both the teacher/librarian and the student because everyone involved will be eager and willing to participate in active learning. As a media specialist, learning is an ongoing, never-ending challenge. The best media specialist never stops learning. To stay “up-to-date” as a media specialist, I will always learn new skills so I can stay abreast of new resources, technology, ideas and skills to improve the library in order to enhance the learning community. It is important as the Library Media Specialist that patrons are provided a place where information resources can be accessed. It is also important to provide a place where those resources can be accessed. It is important that as the Library Media Specialist I maintain an environment that is conducive to learning
As the school librarian, it is my goal to instill within my students the necessary information seeking skills and standards defined by the 21st Century Learner. I must motivate my students so they are encouraged to learn. I