Myers Briggs Type Indicator Self-Assessment

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Pages: 5

For this assignment, I completed the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) self-assessment to determine our profile. Self-evaluation helps us understand more about ourselves and how we interact with others in our profession and creates self-awareness. The test helps determine our behavior and how we respond and act in certain situations according to our personality traits. We are aligned with people with similar traits to ourselves. It also measures our interpersonal skills and identifies what drives us to succeed. Knowing your strengths can boost your self-confidence, provide leverage to transform your life, and help you accomplish goals in your career. A strategy to develop weaknesses is to view them as strengths, since weaknesses can also be …show more content…
Being aware of what is happening is important, and usually people with an ESTJ personality think logically and dismiss the emotions of others when making decisions by using facts. Clearness and structure are what are valued in addition to clarity. It was also confirmed on 16 that my personality for ESTJ-A is executive. Extrovert 52%, Observant 69%, Thinking 73%, Judging 68%. NERIS Analytics Limited, n.d. Understanding personality traits in business can help us learn about our interests and skills while we grow in the business and make career choices that align with our career choices. Consequently, in business and in school, I am dedicated, focused, and pragmatic. NERIS Analytics - Limited. (n.d.) states that ESTJ personalities value social interactions. Although the test states that I am 52% extroverted, in my personal life, I enjoy solitude and spending time alone. The results show that I am close to being balanced between introversion and extroversion. In my career, I am extroverted since I interact with people from various backgrounds and departments to allocate solutions and alleviate recurring issues that hinder …show more content…
They have a curious and imaginative mind and do not make decisions according to the facts presented. By nature, they express their emotions, are sensitive, and focus on maintaining harmony among the group. Consequently, they are not judgmental and are open to new opportunities rather than being complacent in the same role. A trait of my personality is being even tempered, which I have naturally, and which is very useful in my job. Although I obtained 68% for judging, I also like flexibility and do not like the feeling of being stuck in one position. Therefore, I also like flexibility, and I am also adaptable to sudden changes, which is part of my job (NERIS Analytics Limited, n.d.). I have a coworker who possesses the personality trait of IIFP, I interact with her daily, and whenever agents call for assistance, her emotions sometimes get in the way of being productive and efficient. Sometimes agents make unusual requests, and there is nothing that can be done to assist or resolve the issue in one contact. Instead of advising the agents about the process, my coworker spends time trying to find a way to work against the rules to satisfy the