NFL Drug Policy

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Pages: 7

The NFL right now has a strict drug policy and has been cracking down on the use of drugs including marijuana. Marijuana falls under the league’s substance abuse policies. Urine tests are performed at least once each year on every player at a random time within a period of months. Penalties include hefty fine and possible suspensions that will increase each time depending on the amount of times that an athlete has tested positive. But there are some major flaws with the NFL’s drug policy specifically related to the use of marijuana. The league’s substance abuse policy was introduced in 1971 and was put into place before any regulations prohibiting the use of performance enhancing drugs. Since that time there has been a substantial amount of …show more content…
Legalizing marijuana at first sounds like a bad idea, but a study done in a county in Arizona showed that citizens with authorized medical marijuana users showed lower rates of crime (Cheon). When people who are qualified to do so, purchase marijuana, that marijuana is better regulated and produced safer, so that it is in no way harmful to the patient. Legalizing medical marijuana allows people to purchase government regulated, safer marijuana, rather than going out on their own buying illegal drugs to help with their medical condition. The over-prescription of narcotic pain killers is not just a problem in the NFL. It stems out into all other professional sports and to any person that goes to a doctor for anything pain related. In states where marijuana is legal for recreational use, they have been able to tax the drug and use that money for state funding which has shown positive effects. While the use of recreational marijuana in the United States may be unnecessary, the medical benefits of the drug cannot go …show more content…
Players, current and former, have come out advocating for the allowance of marijuana in order to treat the everyday pains that are associated with the violent sport that they are a part of. These players deserve to be able to do what they think is best for them and have the right to be able seek whatever medical attention that is safest to them. If the use of medical marijuana is legal in that state that a player resides in, then they should have the right to use it as long as they legally qualify, instead of being controlled by the NFL, that is focused on making as much money as possible and not concerned with the dangers of how teams are managing player pain now. Football players know what they are signing up for when they decide to make the sport their career, and teams are doing everything that they can in order to keep their players healthy and pain free, but there is a better way to do it than what they are allowed to do right now. I believe that the use of medical marijuana should be allowed for the treatment of pain for professional football players, especially in states where medical marijuana is already