NHS Accomplishment

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Pages: 3

Leadership, character, accomplishment, and service. These are not just the pillars of the NHS but in many ways, are also the pillars of life. Leadership is needed to get through hard times. It is needed to encourage others to grow. It is vital to change. Character is something that everybody has. Everyone is their own unique individual, and with that comes their unique character. It can be a mix of a lot of things; kindness, compassion, and thirst for knowledge are just a few that apply to me. Accomplishment is needed to go places in life. You cannot just be somewhere; you must overcome a hurdle and accomplish something to be there. Finally, it can be viewed in many ways, to me it is helping others and giving back to the community around you. I show these characteristics in many aspects of my life. From school to athletics to relationships with friends. I had an experience over the summer that I think shows who I am extremely well. I got a text from a swimmer on the team, asking if I could help her friend. It turned out that her friend wanted to join the diving team. But they were scared of the water and did not know how to swim. I happily agreed and we went to the park district and spent 3 hours getting her comfortable in the water and teaching her how to swim. It was only a doggy paddle but still a big win. Not just because she is an amazing teammate, but also because we were able to teach her a vital life skill. That is what I am most proud of. I guess that can also count as an achievement for me as well, it sure felt like one. …show more content…
They have taught me how to study and how to manage my time. I have taken AP world history and AP US history both of which I scored 4 on. I have continued to push this year as well by taking 4 APs and 2 honors. I am not done with it. I plan to continue this into my senior