B. Simulation Environment: The DBP algorithms were written in C++ language and was build using GNU g++ compiler Release 3.4 under CentOS Release 4.8 linux in a Pentium Core i3 based machine environment, with Flex and Bison installed. The same code has also been used to build binary under Windows 7 environment, using Bloodshed Developer C++ (DevC++) and Cygwin environment. Further tuning will yield superior performance.
C. …show more content…
The Trace file: The trace file contains information regarding outcome of following types of instructions in addition to a four-byte little-endian branch address – the address in memory where the first byte of the branch instruction is available, along with a four-byte little-endian branch target – the address in memory to where the branch takes place. The branch types could be one of the following types:
• Taken conditional branch
• Not-taken conditional branch
• Unconditional branch
• Indirect branch
• Call
• Indirect call
• Return
D. The Trace Data Format: A trace is a piece of information about a branch [10]. The external representation of a trace is 9 bytes, as shown below: Fig.14: Record Format in the Trace Data File
• A one byte "Code." The lower 4 bits are the x86 Op-code for a conditional branch (modulo 16). The upper four bits are one of the following:
1: taken conditional branch
2: not taken conditional branch
3: unconditional branch
4: indirect