Naloxone Research Paper

Words: 1014
Pages: 5

Carrie Brighthaupt
Dr. Mason
Internship Proposal
Does Naloxone Enable Substance Abuse?

Background and Significance
Naloxone, more commonly referred to as Narcan, is a drug used for the reversal of presumed heroin, prescription narcotic, or other opioid overdoses. The availability of this drug varies from legal over-the-counter use to prescriptions for users and their social network, like family and friends (Beheshti et al., 2015). Naloxone was approved by the FDA in 1971, initially a syringe exclusively used by emergency responders, and can now be purchased over-the-counter (with or without a prescription depending on the area) as a nasal spray (Narcan) or auto-injector (Evzio). According to CDC report from 2015, more than 27,000 lives were saved due to the Narcan kits given to the community to reverse opioid overdose (CDC Report: Narcan Kits Save Nearly 27,000 Lives | CADCA). An unresolved debate surrounding the availability of Naloxone and its influence on opioid addiction is centered around two different ideations – saving a life puts the possibility for recovery in the user’s reach and the concern that Naloxone enables drug users and their addictions. It comes down to whether an increase of accessibility will assist in curbing the epidemic and help heroin addicts or not.
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This information can help the general public because once somebody realizes that Narcan does not always save your life, or that even if it does, it becomes more clear that recovery from the actual addiction is the best option. Another outcome from this paper may be to target most efficient ways to educate people of all ages in drug-heavy communities about Narcan, it’s side effects, and recovery from drug