I have played on a basketball team for a club not involved with the school. I tried to lead my team the best I could to help us succeed, even through the many challenges we faced. I work to serve my church by providing bags to give to people in need. These bags are filled with water, food, socks, and blankets for these people. Any time I can, I make sure I can volunteer to help look after kids at my church every Wednesday while their parents can’t. I try to always help organize our food pantry at church, the pantry provides food for the bags I mentioned earlier. I enjoy serving my community and don’t feel burdened when I do so. For my leadership, every summer I help my church lead a group of young kids to help them learn about what I believe. Every chance I get during a group project, I try to put myself in the spot to lead my group to do the right thing and to complete the assignment given. Every opportunity given, my goal is to be a leader and set a good example for others to follow, even if it is tough. Although I wasn’t able to play much during the basketball season in my freshman year, I tried to lead the team to do what was