National Incident Management System

Words: 709
Pages: 3

Unit I Worksheet

Please answer the following questions in the spaces provided below. The spaces will expand as you type. Once you have answered all three questions, please upload this document into the assignment area in Blackboard.

1. Briefly explain how homeland security and emergency management personnel work together to ensure national preparedness for disasters. Your response should be at least 75 words in length.

Everyone contributes to national preparedness, since preparedness is a responsibility shared by our entire nation. The five core capabilities required for national preparedness are prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery. The National Incident Management System is the approach all levels of the government,
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Discuss the origin and purpose of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Your response should be at least 75 words in length.

The Department of Homeland Security was created as an immediate response to the September 11 terrorist attacks. It was a national strategy to safeguard the country. DHS was created, “through the integration of all or part of 22 different federal departments and agencies” (DHS, 2015, p.1). It became the third largest department here in the United States. The Department of Homeland Security, was created with the intention to detect, prepare for, prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from terrorist attacks.

3. Because of your technical and academic expertise as a graduate of CSU, you have been tasked by your organization/department to provide your recommendations for increasing homeland security capabilities related to one of the missions and goals discussed in this unit. For this essay, begin by briefly reviewing the section entitled The Mission Framework in Depth (pp. 75-80) in the 2014 Quadrennial Homeland Security Review and choosing one of the mission areas and at least one of the associated goals. In no less than 300 words, present your strategy for achieving the goal(s) as it relates to your organization/department (or your desired future
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However, the thing with this problem of terrorism is that there is no easy solution. The policies and strategies the Department of Homeland Security has used have been successful in hunting down terrorists and preventing future attacks. However, terrorism keeps evolving and despite the measures that are currently being taken such as, the improvement if airport and other entry points security procedures and screening, the controls on people entering the United States, the prosecution and investigations of terrorism-related cases, and the improvement of securing critical infrastructure. Terrorist are using technology, the media, fraternal networks and even mosques to spread ideologies, violence, and to recruit new members I understand that how it is a bit harder for terrorists to get into the United States, however, we are still experiencing domestic radicalization and lone wolf attacks. We have failed to combat terrorist use of the media. ISIS has become one of the most Internet savvy terrorist organizations out there, due to the rising number of Internet users. The Web is allowing terrorist to recruit individuals, and teach them to execute an attack, that is without even leaving their homes. I