Native Americans should not be represented for sports teams nationwide, it provides the public with an insensitive message towards this nationality. At Brigham Young University Education & Law Journal, a student Stephanie Bolliger, wrote an article informing her readers on the awareness of Native American mascots. She begins by stating that sports teams who use Native Americans as a mascot are “violating public policy by the U.S court system” (Bolliger). In addition to this, the Indian mascot provides a stereotypical image to the public, antagonizing those who are a part of this particular ethnic …show more content…
Williams explains that the image of Native Americans, most sports teams display is offensive. The color of the Indian often is red and with maliciously big feathers around their head or often carrying an ax. Native Americans spoke out implying that a majority of sports teams uncaringly mimics their appearance and culture. King and Springwood, editors of analogy essays, write, “Native American mascot perpetuates inappropriate, inaccurate, and harmful understandings of living people, their cultures, and their