One big problem is Cultural Appropriation. Cultural appropriation is when one culture adopts some elements of another culture. NAtive americans are mad that the Redskins and Indians are copying what the chiefs wore along with the headdresses that the chiefs wore. Culture appropriation is a huge problem because the Native Americans feel that the NFL teams and MLB teams and the NHL teams are stealing part of their culture that have been in their lives for many generations but that is only one of the big problems according to Another big problem is rival fans being very stereotypical and making fun of teams that have a logo of native americans and they have had huge problems of people making fun and making posters of the Trail of Tears which is a very bad way to make fun of a race especially when it happened when Andrew Jackson was president. Making fun of a very bad time for the Native Americans and a very ugly time for the U.S is very bad. Those are the two biggest problems that the Native Americans have because they feel no one truly understands what they had to go through and they feel like they are being made fun of but what they do not see is that the fans are just showing love to their team and encouraging them to …show more content…
I learned in this research paper that some people have very different opinions on the problems in the sports mascots world. The mascots and logos are deemed racist to some people and to other people the mascots just are just people in suits or in costumes just showing love for their sports team and hoping that their team wins and does not lose. Some people have a different mindset than most and they think it is ok to very hypocritical about the sports mascots when they don't know how to understand the