Nevada Great Depression

Words: 560
Pages: 3

How did the great depression affect Nevada?
The great depression was a time when the US money was very low. The amount of unemployment and the number of homeless people rose dramatically. This was one of the worst times for a great depression because the Second World War. The president at the time was Herbert hoover. He would try to solve this problem but all his solutions would fail. After hoover presidency Franklin D Roosevelt would come into office and eventually solve the great depression by created and passing laws and acts. When the stock market crashed the amount stocks were worth dropped 20 percent. Within a year more than half of the us bank were bankrupt. Almost 750 were closed to save government and so much terrible things would
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One of them was the dust bowl. During the great depression 5 states would have a water drought. During that drought there would be high winds causing dust storms and making the enivirment very dangerous for living and many of the crops in those states were drying up and dying and many of the state’s food sources were closing down and if it was not closed it was about to be closed. Many of the state’s citizens were moving to other states like California and Nevada. During this Nevada’s population was growing rapidly. Also the dust bowl was destroying many crops. The great depression was short of food to feed soldiers and the people. Food was dropping which was needed to feed solider. Many died due to starvation and also food that was cover in dust and disease.
Another problem was the jobs. During the great depression many jobs were destroyed because the us government was not able to afford to pay all the citizens. The level of unemployment rose more than 50 percent higher than what it was. The amount of unemployment lead to many homeless. The sidewalks and alley ways were full of people homeless and this was a major