Never Let Me Go Research Paper

Words: 1207
Pages: 5

In addition, since society lives in an environment where everything is seen as inevitable, the people living in such a society become accustomed to living with a fatalist mentality. The environment and beliefs in which an individual is raised in, will allow the general mentality of society to become ingrained in their mindset. They become nurtured to follow the beliefs of the majority of society even if their original beliefs differ from what is accepted.
“… by the time they came to consider just how you were reared, whether you should have been brought into existence at all, well by then it was too late. There was no way to reverse the process. How can you ask a world that has come to regard cancer as curable, how can you ask such a world to put away that cure, to go back to the dark days?” (263)
Once one has grown accustomed to, and has lived a majority of their
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By living in a capitalistic environment, such as the one in Never Let Me Go, one can develop and ingrain a fatalist mindset to avoid feelings of guilt. Ishiguro expresses that the act of developing and creating revolutionary advancements for sake of humanity, comes with as many– if not more– negative aspects as positive. If society blindly accepts the ever so rapid discoveries that are given to them without question, they will lose a part of themselves. To prevent the deterioration of society’s morals, they need to focus on the journey rather than the outcome. By questioning and examining new discoveries and findings, one will not need to alter their ego in order to accommodate for the world’s mistakes. The ever-changing beliefs and structure of society will continue to adjust and shift as the decades pass, missteps occur, and breakthroughs are made, it is society’s responsibility to ensure that society remains moral and