Non-State Actors Threats To The United States

Words: 780
Pages: 4

Introduction During the later portion of the 20th century and into the 21st century, the United States has face threats from many different directions. The United States face threats are coming from non-state and nation-state actors more than ever. The 20th century was full of threats from nation-state actors that lead to World War I and II, Cold War, Korea War, Vietnam and the First Gulf War which the United States participated in. Ever since the signing of the National Security Act of 1947 with creation of the Intelligence Community has been monitoring, collecting, analyzing and disseminating vital intelligence about the imposing threats of the United States. Both non-nation and nation-state actors poses great threats against the United States but the un-prediction of non-state actors poses the greatest concern. Non-Nation State Actor …show more content…
According to National Intelligence Council in 2007, states “non-state actors are non-sovereign entities that exercise significant economic, political or social power and influence at a national, and in some cases international, level.” There are many names that non-nation state actors go by the following names are: Multinational Corporations that provide the same service to more than one country; Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) which are private, govern internally, all voluntary, non-profit and oriented task or interested organizations; and Super-Empowered individuals that yield uniquely defined political powers and rules . Then there are non-nation state actors groups that conduct either terrorist operations or transnational criminal activities across multiple nation state lines . When it comes to terrorist and transnational criminal activities such as drug cartels or gangs are trying to achieve an objective that entails money or achieve a political