Non Substance Addiction Research Paper

Words: 506
Pages: 3

In this Research we will be studying two different kinds of addiction, substance addiction and non substance(behavioral addiction). example of substance addiction that we are going to be studying would be drug addiction and alcohol addiction. Some of non-substance addiction we will be studying are pathological gambling, kleptomania, sexual addiction, computer gaming, excessive shopping, and internet addiction. we are also finding the relationships between both kinds of addiction, and to determine if its possible for a non-substance addict to also become a substance addict or vise versa. we would also be studying their personality, background, comorbidity, neurocognition, family history and genetics. to find any resemblance between people with substance addiction and …show more content…
substance and non substance addiction have a lot of similarities in natural history and phenomenology. individuals can be addicted at a very young age, it has been reported the adolescents and teens have a higher rate of getting addicted than older adults(stud. 2003). both addictions have natural histories that may exhibit chronic, relapsing patterns, but with many people recovering on their own without formal treatments(grant 2010). pathological gambling usually begins in childhood or adolescence, with males tending to start at an earlier age than with females(stud. 2003). according to the j Am acad psychiatry law, substance and non-substance addicts are more likely to commit illegal acts, such as theft and