Opioid Addiction Research Paper

Words: 1393
Pages: 6

This paper will address the opioid addiction crisis in adolescents and the ongoing issues of this social problem today. “Opioid medication is a major issue in the United States, with prescription opioid addiction being one of the biggest drug problems today (www.drugabuse.com).” Opioids are prescribed by a doctor and is used to relieve pain. Opioids are popular by demand because that lower the number of pain signals your body sends to your brain. Opioids are prescribed to individuals who suffer from toothaches, injuries, and recovering from surgery.
“Those who misuse opiates are more likely to become addicted (www.drugabuse.com)”. The medication can become misused by a patient when they are not following the directions of the medication. This would include them taking more than prescribed, usually more often than when they should. This misuse builds a drug tolerance. The higher the drug tolerance the more opiate medication is needed to suppress
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During these years they start to experiment with sex and substances. Adolescence are coming to the end of their physical appearance and puberty changes. Adolescence begin to express an increase in autonomy and start to begin to develop their identity. For adolescence from the ages 15-17 their social life is extremely important at this point in their lives. They tend to focus more on their peer groups and what they think. Adolescence in this age group start to make decisions in social life and also start to renegotiate family relationships. The last stage of adolescence range from ages 18-22. Biologically adolescences bodies have developed and the physical changes begin to slow down. Formal operational thinking start to begin and they continue to develop their identity and moral reasoning. In the last stage, adolescences begin to develop intimate relationships and begin to have less structure in their lives.
Adolescence and opioid