Non Traditional Students

Words: 1274
Pages: 6

Purpose of the study
A college education is viewed to many as the only means of making themselves more employable and being able to earn higher wages. Most traditional students pursue their educations straight out of high school while nontraditional students for some reason or another delayed enrollment. The transition is challenging for anyone however, some people may have a harder time adjusting. Nontraditional students, face the most challenges because they have more responsibilities, they have to balance their responsibilities all while trying to attain their degrees. Their responsibilities may interfere with finding time to study and they may feel uncomfortable on campus. As a result of these individuals may experience anxiety, low self-efficacy, low self-esteem, and depression. Depression has been shown to affect the mind, the body and the way people behave. The goal of my research was to examine the effects that depression in nontraditional student has on academic success.
Definition of Terms
Nontraditional Student:
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Although fully committed and just as capable of earning decent grades as traditional students, nontraditional-aged students with families are less likely to enroll full time or re-enroll the following semester because of the lack of social support. Research has shown that support from family, friends, peers, and faculty is positively associated with reducing feelings of depression. According to Hansel (2011), nontraditional-aged students with families are not as likely to interact with peers or faculty on a college campus leading them to feel discouraged and eventually dropout when they become frustrated. Other factors contributing to nontraditional-aged students dropping out include role conflict and time