I agree with the article’s hypothesis and correlations. DevelopmentOne of the first key points was the experiment that modeling resident satisfaction with the staffrelationships and quality of life was a big focus, their hypothesis they wanted to investigate wasthat a resident would have a more positive relationships to nursing staff on units where morenursing assistants were committed to their jobs. What they found out what was significantlyrelated to what they had intended and hoped for. Residents were much happier and feel as if staffis happy with their job with a positive outlook than their trip at the hospital was more positive.The article concluded that “Moving from the lowest value in this range for job commitment on aunit to the high end of this range would increase resident satisfaction with staff relationships”(Christine E. Bishop, PhD, Dana Beth Weinberg, PhD, Walter Leutz, PhD, MEd and RebekahM. Zincavage, MA, …show more content…
The results concluded that mostnurses weren’t in this field for the money because most know they don’t get high pay, but morein it because they enjoy the job and what the job entails. With what the article researched and theresults that was found I agree with the hypothesis and the questions that arose in the article. As astudent trying to become a nurse with my beliefs and what is important to me I want to go into acareer that I enjoy rather than money. I want to be happy with what I’m doing, rather than justfor the money. As well I agree with a happy nurse means a happy resident. This article has mademe realize that with figuring out exactly what I want to do with my life, to evaluate my va lueswith what I want to do in the future. I wasn’t surprised with the results of these experiments.Made me open my eyes that most nurses are doing it because they enjoy it, and how much theymake a difference with residents. For Further StudyThis article did a very detailed job on researching what was a problem, as well as put into playwas might the independent variables. I would like to have seen more information as well asgoing to different states and types of hospitals to see what their results might have been. Thisprovided positive feedback with the nurses and homes, and also showed that