I learned that in the operating room teamwork is a key to a successful outcome. During the surgery, I was observing surgery and work of the nurses. I learned that communication and cooperation between healthcare workers are very important during patient care. Additionally, I saw how nurses cared for the patient during surgery. The circulating nurse was adjusting patient’s position on the table by making sure patient would have uninterrupted circulation, preventing nerves and skin damage. One female patient started crying when she laid down on the surgical bed. Immediately nurse anesthetist that was closer to the patient responded to that. A nurse gently touched the patient’s face, confirmed that patient is sad about the situation, said that it is okay to cray, that patient has right to cry because that is how the patient is feeling. I saw that patient felt emotionally better after the nursing support. I would say positives of the day were: Patients on which surgeries I was present did not have complications during the surgery; I saw surgeries with my own eyes, experienced that feeling being next to the surgical table, and observed nurses’ responsibilities; I was treated with respect and introduced to the