Student Learning Outcome Analysis

Words: 1421
Pages: 6

This papers purpose is to give an overview of my portfolios contents. This paper will be addressing the various student learning outcomes (SLOs) laid out to me and emphasized while in nursing school. My portfolio includes definition papers, exhibits that show how I was able to utilize each learning outcome, along with a copy of my resume, a thank you letter, and ten year plan. The student learning outcome topics set out for me have encouraged my growth as a nursing student and have aided me in preparing for my future career as a nurse.
Student Learning Outcome 1: Critical Thinking and Clinical Reasoning
Critical thinking is a process that uses the gathering of evidence and best practices to make educated judgments and decisions.
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That nurses should put aside biases and opposing beliefs aside while making an effort to learn about the culture of the patient. During the nursing program I had chances to research different cultures; be it religious age, or ethnic backgrounds. In clinical rotation some of our placements were in much larger hospitals with a more varied community than that of the smaller local hospitals that we have also been placed in. a nurse has to figure out ways to connect and communicate with patients of different cultures because this is just the world we live in, and as a nurse I want to provide good care not to mention it is just the right thing to do. I have been able to show this in clinical many times from taking culture into consideration when providing care to giving care instructions in spanish. Exhibit #1 is a windshield survey and assessment that I performed in my community. The windshield survey consisted of a brief paper and a brochure. The paper and brochure lays out many things from demographics to home conditions, and various religious providers. In the brochure I give information about food pantries and shelters along with health department information and other resources. Exhibit #2 is a short paper on a global health issue. For the paper titled a global health issue I concentrated on violence against women and girls, I decided to concentrate on this because it is something that is not dependent on geographical boundaries or wealth or ethnicity. This concept is important because as a nurse I will be caring and advocating for of a large variety of patients of different cultures, and