"I might be the only person on the face of the earth that knows you're the greatest woman on earth, who appreciates how amazing you are in every single thing that you do... and in every single thought that you have. I think most people miss that about you, and the fact that I get it makes me feel good about me." –Melvin Udall. As soon as it gets.
Living with a person with obsessive compulsive disorder is a challenge for everyone, falling in love with them is a blessing. Obsessive compulsive disorder is an anxiety disorder that people who experiences obsessions and compulsions have. Obsessions is when this person has unwanted and stressful ideas going on through his mind every time (Myers), obsessions …show more content…
This anxiety is often present in teenagers but it can also be present in adults such as Melvin. The character shows how his OCD was diagnosed and treated by experts with two different treatments. If OCD is not treated in time it could bring along some symptoms and changes in personality such as depression, panic attack and phobias, which Melvin started to have because of his grumpy personality, not highly makeable but he started to have some characteristics of these symptoms. In the most extreme cases, not treating OCD can lead to other disorders like eating disorders and the Tourette syndrome. Melvin’s disorders was treated with two methods: experts tried to help him by exposing himself to their own behaviors, they made him try not to wash his hands so often or have long showers, touch dirty things but it was all a process and they knew that someday, eventually it will work. The other method they use was with drugs that made his behaviors somewhat lighter and it will help him to live a normal life. One of the most common symptom is the anxiety with germs, they have to watch their hands carefully, lots of times in a day, they don’t shake hands with people and the fact of eating in public restaurants just sounds disgusting for them. In the movie, Melvin washes his hands several times a day, every time with a new soap and incredible hot water. He also wears gloves during the day when he is not at home and he just throws them away after using them because he says that they are full of germs. Melvin’s showers are incredible long and with hot water, he needs to be sure that he is totally free of germs and he goes to eat to the same restaurant every day, screams to people sitting in the tables around him so he could be alone, always sit in the same table and brings his own plastic silverware every time he goes there. In this restaurant is