Occupational Therapy

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Pages: 5

Make Life Better with The Time Left Antonio Livingston Jr.
Keiser University

It has been well established that occupational therapist practitioners have a spot in the hospice setting. And a spot for the emerging setting of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia patients. With a systematic review of evidence based research and advocacy for client centered practices this essay will show the definite need for occupational therapist practitioners in this emerging setting of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. With the occupational therapist practitioner being holistic, treating the whole body, the occupational therapist practitioner should have no limits when it comes to treating a client. Make Life Better with The Time Left
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To help understand people with mild to moderate dementia using evidence based research. Using twenty-four computerized databases with an expert verifying the appropriate search strategies. This research only used papers published in the English language and information only selected from academic journals. And only using papers published between the years 1990 to 2009. The result of the study yielded a total of 507 abstracts, 23 was relevant to the present review and out of the 23, 12 met the inclusion criteria, that the cognitive stimulation therapy enhances cognitive function or at least slowed the rate of …show more content…
The dilemma with (OT) practitioners treating persons with dementia is lake of knowledge but with more evidence based research, advocating for (OT) practitioners in this setting can really make a difference. The way one could advocate for (OT) practitioners is being client center advocating for the clients and their needs. The results of the study conclude that (OT) practitioners are well suited to implement interventions to provide a useful foundation for patients with dementia. (OT) practitioners have the potential to contribute to the future of dementia patients with research and the development of effective interventions. The (OT) practitioners have a bright future for growth.

Padilla, R. (2011). Effectiveness of Occupational Therapy Services for People With Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 65(5), 487-489. doi:10.5014/ajot.2011.002568
The Role of Occupational Therapy in End-of-Life Care. (2011). American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 65(6_Supplement), S66-S75. doi:10.5014/ajot.2011.65s66
Wagenfeld, A. (2016). Foundations of theory and practice for the occupational therapy