Odysseus Challenges

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Pages: 4

In Homer’s epic poem, The Odyssey, Odysseus and his men are on their way back home from the decade-long Trojan War. At each location the crew arrives, a new challenge arises. Odysseus’ journey home lasted 10 years and consisted of 18 destinations; most of the places having challenges where Odysseus and his men need to strategize to survive. In order to think two steps ahead of the different things Odysseus encountered, Odysseus has to outwit and be cunning to succeed in overcoming these challenges and adversaries. Odysseus utilizes his intelligence with the giant cyclops, the sirens, and disguising himself when he finally makes it home, and ultimately teaches important lessons on these strengths to the reader. Odysseus’ fourth destination was …show more content…
Polyphemos, Poseidon’s son, is a giant cyclops that Odysseus and his men encounter. Polyphemos takes all the men to his house and locks them in with a massive boulder that only Polyphemos can move. Cleverly, Odysseus introduces himself to the giant cyclops with, “My name is Nohbdy. Mother, father, and friends, everyone calls me Nohbdy.” (Fitzgerald 382). Once Odysseus blinds the giant cyclops with a spear, Polyphemos shouts out, “Nohbdy’s tricked me, Nohbdy’s ruined me” (Fitzgerald 383). This intelligence made no other cyclops come to the rescue because they did not think anything of the screams of Polyphemos. Now, since the blind giant cyclops could not see any of the men, all the remaining were able to hide under sheep until Polyphemos released the sheep, reuniting the men with freedom and leaving the island. This character strength teaches the importance of always being one step ahead. Odysseus’ 12th destination consisted of sirens which would captivate sailors and bring them closer to the island until they would drown and be eaten by monsters. To avoid this, Odysseus proactively put wax in everybody’s ears and tied himself to his