Curley’s wife’s interaction with Lennie highlights her loneliness and constant wanting of attention from anybody she can get it from and ultimately lead her to her death. Curley’s wife is talking to Lennie when she says ““I get lonely,” she said. “ You can talk to people, but I can’t talk to nobody but Curley. Else he gets mad. How’d you like not to talk to anybody?”” (Steinbeck 87). She is trying to convenience Lennie it is alright to talk to her. She explains to him that she is lonely and only wants someone to talk to. With no one to talk to she is unable to live life in happiness. She constantly feels alone and unable to enjoy life. This lead her to her death. Curley’s …show more content…
Her interaction with Lennie show just how unhappy she is in life. Her overall conversation show that she is unable to live life to the fullest. Curley’s wife has only one failed dream. This failed dream prevents her from being hopeful about the future. Unable to look forward to the future this makes her unable to live life to the fullest. Being the only female on the ranch, she struggles with connecting with other. Her lack of friendships inabilities her from living life to the fullest. Curley’s wife shows through her lonesomeness, her interaction with others, and failed dreams can prevent you from living life to the