Once More To The Lake Analysis

Words: 773
Pages: 4

One thing for sure is that we are born to eventually die. And during this course throughout life we tend to see traits like: Greed, ambition, vengeance, forgiveness, humility, compassion, integrity, loyalty, and perseverance. One could even argue the list goes on and on but these qualities of the human conditions are what makes us who we are. They also correlate to various works of literature. We cannot escape time because it is inevitable. And we constantly grow in this world, whether it be for the better or for the the worse that is for you to decide. But as time passes and we grow older sometimes we tend to lose sight on the important things. Like the essence of family, the remembrance of a loved one, or even feelings one has/had for a significant other. In E.B. White’s Once More To The Lake , we see a father (E.B.White) and son (Joe) take a trip to an old Lakehouse. During this trip Mr.White captures the idea of the lake as if it changed, but essentially time has caught up to Mr.White. He does an amazing job illustrating the fundamental irony of life; It is that we are unable to live forever but our memories do and along the journey we are blessed with the ability cherish those beauties. Without them life would almost …show more content…
Macbeth’s fate was to become the King of Cawdor, he was even well respected by the people. But Macbeth let his ambitions consume him. Rather than letting fate play out on its own he chose to kill Duncan (previous King of Cawdor). One could even argue that Lady Macbeth highly influenced her husband to murder Duncan. But again the choice was ultimately his. No one can truly make one do something they do not want to do. So in that sense murder is unjustifiable. It is crucial to see how one can easily be influenced at any point in this life. And essential because when it’s all said and done the choice is ultimately