online vs brick and mortar Essay

Submitted By Ktandjay-Leto
Words: 746
Pages: 3

Thesis Statement and Outline What is your thesis statement As online shopping and brick and mortar may seem similar however, they differ in pricing, convenience and selection. Introduction (Optional for this assignment) I. Deals Sales A. Coupons 1. ecoupons 2. in store coupons B. Sales 1. Online sales 2. Store sales II. Convenience A. Online 1. Shop anytime day/night 2. Comfort of your own home or on cell phone B. In Store 1. Know what youre paying for 2. Easy returns III. Risks A. In Store 1. Credit card hacked 2. Buying a product that was already opened and having a no return policy or final sale B. Online 1. Credit card hacked 2. Counterfeit goods IV. Fourth main point (if needed) A. Supporting details 1. Subdetails 2. Subdetails B. Supporting details 1. Subdetails 2. Subdetails Conclusion (Optional for this assignment) Thesis Statement and Outline COM/170 Version 5 PAGE MERGEFORMAT 1 Copyright 2013 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Y, dXiJ(x( I_TS 1EZBmU/xYy5g/GMGeD3Vqq8K)fw9 xrxwrTZaGy8IjbRcXI u3KGnD1NIBs
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