Operation Geronimo Research Paper

Words: 1084
Pages: 5

Presidential Authority and Operation Geronimo: A Persuasive Essay.

SGT Ira, Okana S Soldier Support Institute, Non-Commissioned Officers Academy SFC Price, Sharen E April 3, 2024.

Abstract This essay examines the legal authority of President Obama to order and execute Operation Geronimo, the raid that resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden. The essay analyzes the relevant legal frameworks, including the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF), international law principles of self-defense, and the President's inherent authority as Commander-in-Chief. Additionally, the essay explores the specific intelligence and operational details of the raid to assess its compliance with legal requirements. The essay argues that President Obama possessed the legal authority to order Operation Geronimo, based on the AUMF, the right to
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and its interests, as evidenced by intelligence gathered before Operation Geronimo. Therefore, targeting bin Laden fell within the legitimate exercise of the right to self-defense. Presidential Authority as Commander-in-Chief The U.S. Constitution vests the President with the authority of Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. This role grants the President broad power to direct military operations, including the deployment of troops and the use of force. While Congress retains the power to declare war, the President has significant discretion in conducting military operations within the bounds of his authority. In the case of Operation Geronimo, President Obama, as Commander-in-Chief, decided to deploy a small team of Special Forces to conduct a targeted raid against bin Laden's compound. This decision was informed by extensive intelligence gathering and careful planning, demonstrating a measured and considered use of his authority. Operational Details and Compliance with Law Beyond the legal justifications, the specific operational details of Operation Geronimo further support its legality. The raid was meticulously