Operation Linebacker Research Paper

Words: 1058
Pages: 5

Operation Linebacker II 1972 December 18th-29th.

1. What is the difference between a. and a. In 1972 the US ordered the Air Force to get their pilots ready for a long and brutal operation. The operation was going to have a high rate of casualties and would need to be prepared to act as suicide bait and stay unnoticed in the dark sky of North Vietnam. The air force was also going to need a lot of bombers and strategic aircraft with a load of fuel and bombs. The training would need to be at night and the pilots need to get ready for supersonic MIG 21f and viet cong surface air defense.

Training and the operation of 2. It's the 19th and the air force has alerted the navy and marines they both have a decent amount of aircraft. The aircraft could be used for the operation and could really help. The US would later release the operation date and time. The date was sometimes with F105s. Most of the time the 2nd and would go on until the 29th. The US had mapped out the bombing attack. It would be a back and forth attack across North Vietnam. Each sortie is 72 hours or more and the amount of refueling they did was nuts for 2oo+ bombers and 400+ fighter aircraft. The air force had started to train F105s and F4Cs by doing a escort/ formation that was used in WWII and in modern times such as today. The F4Cs would fly besides the F105s that were
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What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? The final phase The loud sound of F4s,B52s,F111,F105s, boom all over north vietnam. Then a massive explosion lit the sky up and shook the ground. Migs swarm the sky trying to shoot down the bombers; the Migs only get 15-22 aircraft out of 200+ aircraft. Bombs hit the ground one by one. The US had dropped over 20,000 pounds of bombs over North Vietnam through December 22 and 25. SAM sites blowup and fires burn for hours, killing and tearing everything down in its path. Veit cong anti air failed to shoot down the bombers and were destroyed by F111s. The US had a successful