Operation Overlord: The Battle Of Normandy

Words: 249
Pages: 1

Operation Overlord was a code name given to a secret invasion of France by the US, Canada and Britain to start the Battle of Normandy. This was a major importances to the war in Europe, and put an end to the Nazis and their leader Adolf Hitler. At 6:30 A.M on June 1944, the allies plan to help to put an end to the devastating war in Europe. In this allied invasion of North-West Europe over 156,000 troops arrived 73,000 were Americans soldiers that landed on Utah Beach, Omaha Beach, and 15,000 U.S. men were airborne troops. The other 83,115 troops from Canada and Great britain landed on Gold Beach, Juno Beach and Sword Beach, they also had 7900 airborne troops.
Operation Overlord was a plan to stop Hitler in his tracks and stop him from killing