Opioids Research Paper

Words: 1368
Pages: 6

Drugs have serious effects on the body. A drug is a medicine or other substance which has a physiological and physical effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body. Drugs can cause mood swings, depression, abuse to oneself and others, seizures, damage to most of the organs in the body, and might cause one to consider suicide. Drugs affect the loved ones around the addict to, family especially. There are seven main categories of drugs, including opioids, cannabinoids, stimulants, hallucinogens, club drugs, dissociative drugs, and other compounded drugs. These different types of drugs have different effects on the body.
Side effects of taking drugs in the opioids category can be very serious and even deadly. The category of opioids
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Hallucinogens include drugs such as LSD, and Psilocybin. Common names for LSD are acid, blotter, cubes, microdot, yellow sunshine, and blue heaven. Side effects of taking LSD include increased blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature, dizziness and sleeplessness,seeing things that are not there, eye dilation, loss of appetite, dry mouth,and sweating, numbness, weakness, and tremors, and impulsiveness and rapid emotional shifts that can range from fear to euphoria, with transitions so rapid that the user may seem to experience several emotions simultaneously. One man named Jack took LSD and hallucinated everyone having bug faces and snake heads floating in the sky. The high lasted over three hours and during that time Jack was with a friend and they were driving. Jack had to try to jump out of the car to get away from the bugs and snakes. His friend had to tie him to his seat so he could not jump out of the moving car. Because LSD causes your eye pupils to dilate Jacks vision was damaged because he did not wear any eye protection. Jack was scared from his experience and ended up pulling away from all his friends and family members. Jack never took LSD …show more content…
Other known names for Psilocybin are Magic mushrooms, purple passion, shrooms, and little smoke. SIde effects from taking Psilocybin can include nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea,muscle relaxation, weakness, and twitches, yawning, drowsiness, dizziness, lightheadedness, and lack of coordination, pupil dilation, tearing, dry mouth, and facial flushing, increased heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature, sweating followed by chills and shivering, numbness of tongue, lips, or mouth, feelings of physical heaviness or lightness and feelings of floating, heightened sensory experiences and perceptual distortions, seeing music, “hearing” colors, difficulty focusing, maintaining attention, concentrating, and thinking, impaired judgment and preoccupation with trivial thoughts, experiences, or objects, Inability to distinguish fantasy from reality, feelings of involvement with intense spiritual experiences, tension, anxiety, and restlessness, frightening hallucinations, confusion, disorientation, paranoia, agitation, depression, panic, and/or terror. A man named Andrew, first took ‘shrooms when he was 22 with a group of friends and when he took them all of the people around him became animals, a praying mantis, a orangutan, and others. He did not like the experience of being on ‘shrooms at all. He said he would never do them