Others Lesson Plan From Cyber Bullying Essay

Submitted By smilyluvxoxo
Words: 2061
Pages: 9

Week 1/post 3-Lesson plan- Teacher: Amber Degnan
Lesson Title: Understanding Cyber Bullying
Subject: Internet safety
Duration: 45 minutes
Grade 4
Big Idea: What is cyber bullying and how can we seek help if we are bullied.
Enduring Understandings: Students will have an exit slip or independent activity to check for understanding .
Essential Question/s: What is the difference between bullies and cyber bullies.
Lesson Description:
The teacher will open up the lesson by asking students to raise their hands if they can explain what they think a bully is. The students will take turns sharing their ideas of what a bully is to them. The teacher will record student answers on chart paper under the title “Bully brainstorm.” The teacher will then ask students to raise their hands if they have ever heard of a cyber bully.
The students will turn and talk to a partner about what they think a cyber bully is. The teacher will circulate and listen to student conversations.
The teacher will then play a short video on the Samrtboard from Brainpop-(https://jr.brainpop.com/health/relationships/bullying) about bullying. After watching the video clip, students should know the difference between a bully and a cyber bully.
The teacher will break the class up into partners or small groups and the students will fill out a
Venn diagram to compare and contrast bullies and cyber bullies.
Once each group has completed the task, the teacher will ask for volunteers to share their answers. The teacher will clarify and misconceptions students may have.
The teacher will ask students to raise their hands if they have ever been cyber bullied.
Students will be able to share their experiences if there is time.
The teacher will then give students advise as to what they should do if they are being cyber
Bullied or if they know someone who is.
The students will then complete an independent activity as described below to check for understanding.
Domain 1c: Setting Instructional Goals
Lesson Objectives & Goals:
*The student will be able to define the word bully and give an example of what a bully does.
*The student will be able to define the term cyber bully and give an example of what a cyber bully does.
*The student will be able to compare and contrast the differences and similarities between bullies and cyber bullies.
*The student will be able to know what to do if they are being bullied.
*Common Core Learning Standards:Writing standards- 4.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose and audience.
Reading standards- 4.5 Describe the overall structure of events, ideas, concepts or information in a text or part of a text.
Domain 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction
Learning Outcome:
Students will be able to define bully and cyber bully and compare and contrast them.
Checking for Understanding Questions:
Students will complete a worksheet/activity independently. The teacher will circulate and check for understanding. Questions will be asked to students based on what they are working on.
Domain 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy
Vocabulary: Bully, cyber bully, social media, teasing, harassment, compare and contrast,
Instructional Strategies: (e.g. Inquiry lessons vs. direct instruction. Whole class vs. small group.) Group, direct instruction
Higher Order Thinking Questions: Why do you think some kids are bullies?
Guided Practice: The teacher will guide students through several questions to check for understanding. The teacher will give examples of bully and cyber bulling behavior. The teacher will guide students through how to seek help.
Independent Practice: Students will independently complete a worksheet of their choice at the end of the lesson. The students will either create a comic strip in which there is a conflict or a cyber bullying situation and how it got resolved or they will read a cyber bullying scenario and write about what they would do about it.