PBIS Model

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Pages: 2

Behaviour plans will focus on teaching new prosocial skills, ensuring appropriate behaviour is reinforced (Horner & Sugai, 2010).
The key to PBIS is focusing on preferred behaviours rather than inappropriate ones. For example; respect yourself, respect others and respect property. These preferred behaviours are then explicitly taught by teachers in the classroom. Consistency is important as the model is most effective when it’s a whole school approach (OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, 2017).
Research has shown that majority of students will succeed when positive school cultures are promoted, informative corrective feedback is provided, academic success is maximised and the use of prosocial skills is acknowledged (Lewis, 2017). The PBIS model founds itself on delivering to these key areas.
As Horner et.al (2010) state, “the core features of PBIS are not new to education. They draw from several decades of systematic research, demonstration, and innovation in education, mental health and behaviour analysis”. PBIS provides a model that
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He asserts that the expectation is that improving social behaviour leads to more student time in instruction and greater academic engagement during instruction. Horner et.al (2009) argued that good teaching is linked to both improved academic outcome and reduction in problem behaviour. Although research is premature in determining the links of improved academic outcomes with PBIS, their research has shown promising results. The strength of PBIS lays within the expectation that PBIS establishes a foreseeable, consistent, positive and safe social culture. This culture is said to improve the behavioural engagement of students in learning and when combined with effective teaching, academic outcomes will be greater (Horner & Sugai,