Paleo Diet Benefits

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Pages: 3

A diet based on the dietary pattern of ancestors in the Paleolithic era around 2 million years ago, Paleo diet is your way to fitness and health. Since the diet closely imitates the ancestral eating habit, it includes foods that can be hunted or gathered. The Paleo foods include those foods that are whole and unprocessed. Meat, sea food, vegetables, fruits, eggs, nuts and seeds are part of Paleo diet.

On the other hand, you must avoid cereals, legumes, milk and milk products and certain fats and oils should be avoided. Paleo diet is very restrictive and people following the diet should adhere strictly to it to gain maximum benefits. The drinks you can and not drink while following Paleo is clearly defined.

Drinks that can be included in Paleo
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It has no calories, quenches your thirst and is vital for your body. It flushes out toxins, maintains fluid balance in our body, and vital for normal function of kidneys. Filtered water is also devoid of sugar or toxins and there is no upper limit for the quantity of water that can be consumed.

Coconut water/milk

In place of water, tender coconut water can be consumed. It is refreshing, natural and contains essential vitamins and minerals in small amounts. It can help your quench thirst and restore the electrolyte balance. Coconut milk can also be consumed, though it cannot be had like water or even cow or goat milk.


Fermented drinks were consumed by our ancestors. Most of the staunch believers of Paleo diet say it is fine to include alcohol in your diet. You can have gluten-free alcohol like potato vodka, red and white wine, tequila and rum. You should, however, drink alcohol occasionally and in moderation.

Herbal teas

Green and herbal teas are allowed as a part of Paleo diet. Green tea is rich in antioxidants and can be beneficial to your health. Herbal teas like peppermint, chamomile, nettle, etc. can soothe your throat and area great alternative to caffeinated drinks.