Pantry Research Paper

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Pages: 5

We all know that it's both healthier and less expensive to cook at home. But, if it's getting late and you haven't been to the grocery store in awhile, that pizza delivery starts looking more and more tempting. That's why you need to keep a well stocked pantry, refrigerator, and freezer. You'll always be able to whip up an easy meal from scratch with these pantry staples on hand.

As a mom and personal chef, these are items that I not only keep at home, but regularly buy for my clients as well. Each family's pantry staples will be a little different depending on their tastes and food restrictions, but this list will get you started on the right track!


Dried Pasta, Quinoa and Rice - If you have these in the cupboard, you always
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They all are hardy vegetables, so even if they sit in there for a month, they'll still be good for roasting, stir-frying, or sauteing. Cabbage is the most underrated, but it's very versatile. It's delicious sliced thinly in a salad, slaw, or even in a bowl of ramen.

Plain, whole milk yogurt - Regular or Greek yogurt is a great fridge staple. You can eat it for breakfast of course, but it's also a great substitute for sour cream, mayo, or buttermilk in a lot of recipes. Choose the full-fat variety for the best flavor and no added sugars.

Tortillas - Keep both corn and flour tortillas on hand so when you run out of bread or have an unexpected gluten-free guest, you can whip up a breakfast wrap or lunch sandwich in a hurry. They're also great if your eleven-month-old little boy will only eat cheese quesadillas. No recipe needed!

Eggs - Of course, eggs are great for breakfast and baking, but I also grab them to make meatballs, savory veggie pancakes, and egg salad. Keep hard-boiled eggs on hand for a quick snack or to top your pizza with a fried egg for added protein. Eggs are the ultimate blank slate when it comes to meal ideas. Omelets, frittata, quiche, and strata are all easily adaptable to whatever other vegetables, meats, and cheeses you have on