Just imagine: your muscles going stiff, tremors running through your limbs constantly and the inability to smile and laugh with your grandchildren. This torment is the everyday experiences of a Parkinson's disease sufferer. Parkinson's disease is a growing concern in our nation, and though we know what the symptoms are, we do not know for sure what causes it, or even how to cure it. Throughout this paper, the definition will be described as well as the symptoms and treatment options.
"Parkinson's disease is a chronic degeneration of the Central Nervous System that produces movement disorders and changes the cognition and mood." (Vene, 1529). Progressiveness of this disease becomes noticeable around the mid50's …show more content…
Even though it helps relieve some of the pain, t does not help slow the progression of the disease. It also has some very unfavorable side effects that plague the heart and liver. The relief that comes from Levodopa provides only about five to ten years of help, because after that time the body becomes immune to the invading chemical. There is a new drug called Deprenyl which slows down the degeneration of the nerves and delays symptoms, but it has many side effects. Some of those are HPT, Nausea, and migraines. (Barr & Kienan 119)
There is a surgical technique that has been used since the 1940s called a pallidotomy. It entails destroying small amounts of brain tissue or implanting a small electrode to electrically stimulate the nerve endings in the brain.
The most recent of treatments is implanting dopamine tissue cells into the patient's brain. (Saladin 475). Cells are taken from "adrenal medulla tissue" or from fetuses and used for this process. The treatment is very controversial because of the fact that fetal tissue is being used from aborted fetuses.
Parkinson's disease is very hard on the human body, but it is also hard on the family. After about 5 years after diagnoses, a lot of patients become severely less mobile and unable to interact. And as the progression of the disease continues, the "masked face" takes over the expression and emotions of the person.
In conclusion Parkinson's is a