Patient Hysterectomy Case Studies

Words: 446
Pages: 2

A case of a patient with hysterectomy surgery. The patient is presenting a level of 9 in the scale of 1-10 pain level. Patient is very sweaty, is very uncomfortable with light level and the noise in the room. Also, she has episode of depression because she think that is not the same as other women because she doesn’t have the uterus anymore. And the family members are very anxious because they see that the patient is in pain and they want the medication to reduce the pain intensity. The nurse identify by assessing the patient what are the most important aspects in which the patient needs help (assessment). The nurse provided pain medication to reduce the pain intensity, while instructing the family members that pain medication can’t be given before the …show more content…
It reduces family member’s anxiety by making clear the medications and the necessary time. The nursing assistance change the bed linen to make the patient more comfortable after the increase amount of sweat the patient has because of the hormonal changes. Psychological intervention is perform by a psychologist to decrease patient’s depression. And a religious assistance is provide because the patient reported to be Baptist and assistance could be helpful. The nurse assessed all the patient’s needs. Patient is more comfortable and reassessment performed by the nurse confirmed appropriate intervention performed. The second case, the nurse performed an assessment and identify the patient’s needs. She provide pain medication to decrease pain level. The nurse do not assess level of anxiety either the patient or the family members. Partial intervention is performed by the nurse. Patient’s needs are still pending and other outcomes need to be