Essay about Patient Satisfaction

Submitted By english_yolanda
Words: 3054
Pages: 13

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' ''><html xmlns=''><head> <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' /> <meta name='author' content=''/> <meta name='description' content='Assessment Result'/> <meta name='robots' content='noindex,nofollow'/> <title>Online Assessment Results</title></head><body> <!--This table defines the top table with the Lab Title and Student Information --> <table style='border: 1px double Gray;background-color: transparent;margin-left:-10px' width='670'> <tr> <td style='padding-left: 3px;padding-bottom: 3px;padding-top: 3px;padding-right: 3px;background-color: #A0522D;font-size: 14px;color: White;line-height: 24px;width: 50px;font-family: Trebuchet MS, Arial;'>Title</td> <td style='padding-left: 3px;padding-bottom: 3px;padding-top: 3px;padding-right: 3px;background-color: ThreedLightShadow;color: #696969;font-size: 12px;line-height: 18px;width: 100%;font-family: Trebuchet MS, Arial;'> Patient Satisfaction </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <!--This defines the start of the Question-Answer Section --> <table style='border: 1px double Gray;background-color: transparent;;margin-left:-10px' width='670'> <thead> <tr style='background-color: Gray;font-size: 14px;color: White;line-height: 17px;'> <td height='24' align='left' style='font-weight: bold;padding-left: 3px;padding-bottom: 3px;padding-top: 3px;padding-right: 3px;font-family: Trebuchet MS, Arial;font-size: 13px;'> Assessing Your Understanding </td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr style='background-color: Silver;color: #696969;font-size: 12px;line-height: 13px;'> <td height='24' align='left' width='709px' style='padding-left: 3px;padding-bottom: 3px;padding-top: 3px;padding-right: 3px;font-family: Trebuchet MS, Arial;font-size: 13px;'> <table style='border: 0px double Gray;background-color: transparent;' width='100%'> <!-- Question table header --> <thead> <tr align='left' style='background-color: Silver;font-weight: bold;color: Black;font-size: 12px;line-height: 13px;'> <td style='padding-left: 3px;padding-bottom: 3px;padding-top: 3px;padding-right: 3px;font-family: Trebuchet MS, Arial;font-size: 12px;' width='100%' height='25'> Some patients noticed they received bills in the mail they werenre working to find ways to improve the overall patient experience at our facility. </td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr style='background-color: #E6E6E6;color: #696969;font-size: 12px;line-height: 13px;'> <td align='left' width='100%' style='padding-left: 3px;padding-bottom: 3px;padding-top: 3px;padding-right: 3px;font-family: Trebuchet MS, Arial;font-size: 12px;'> <!-- select Answer --> <input type='checkbox' checked='checked' /><label>Well, I am going to see what I can figure out. </label> <br/> </td> </tr> <tr style='background-color: #E6E6E6;color: #696969;font-size: 12px;line-height: 13px;'> <td align='left' width='100%' style='padding-left: 3px;padding-bottom: 3px;padding-top: 3px;padding-right: 3px;font-family: Trebuchet MS, Arial;font-size: 12px;'> <!-- select Answer --> <input type='checkbox' checked='checked' /><label>Yes. Can you tell me about the process patients go through when they visit your facility?</label> <br/> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <tr style='background-color: Silver;color: #696969;font-size: 12px;line-height: 13px;'> <td height='24' align='left' width='709px' style='padding-left: 3px;padding-bottom: 3px;padding-top: 3px;padding-right: