Patient Specific Dosing Case Study

Words: 972
Pages: 4

Patient specific dosing and warnings - Identify and present appropriate dose recommendations based on patient-specific conditions and characteristics at the time of medication ordering.

Support for accurate specimen collection - Alert providers in real-time to ensure specimen collection is supported.

Present alerts for preventive services and wellness - At the point of clinical decision making, identify patient specific suggestions/reminders, screening tests/exams, and other preventive services in support of routine preventive and wellness patient care standards.

Support for monitoring response to notifications regarding an individual patient's health, including appropriate follow-up notifications - In the event of a health risk alert and
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• A great majority of articles about CPOE have discussed medication ordering only, giving readers the impression that CPOE is the same as electronic prescribing.
• The reality is that CPOE has a great deal more functionality.
• There is evidence that CPOE will:
1. Reduce medication errors. CPOE has the potential to reduce medication errors through a variety of mechanisms. Because the process is electronic, you can embed rules-engines that allow for checking allergies, contraindications and other alerts. With CPOE, there is no problem of illegible writing on prescriptions, less prescription errors due to over and under prescription. CPOE is easily linked to drug-drug interaction warnings and is more likely to identify the prescribing physician. The Prescriptions reach the pharmacy quicker using CPOE. 2. Reduce costs. Several studies have shown reduced length of stay and overall costs in addition to decreased medication costs with the use of CPOE.
3. Reduce variation of care. One study showed excellent compliance by the medical staff when the drug of choice was changed using decision support reminders.