Pe unit 1 Essay

Submitted By takinaki1
Words: 1520
Pages: 7

M. Nguyen
PE Unit 2

Unit 2 Physical Education
Classification of Motor Skills
CLOSED- performed in a predicable environment with no interruptions or changes in environment
OPEN-where the environment is constantly changing such as with an opponent or varying speed of the ball
FINE- use of small muscle groups
GROSS- most Physical Education activities predominantly grossutilisation of large muscle groups. Many physical activities involve a combination of both fine and gross
DISCRETE- brief duration, easily defined by a distinct start and finish SERIAL – series of discrete skills strung together
CONTINUOUS- no distinct start or end point

Basketball free throw, Gymnastics routine Surfing, team games, Returning a tennis serve
Darts, type
Spin bowling in Cricket

Throwing, catching, kick
Gymnastics routine , fast break in
Swimming, running, pedalling a bike Stages of Learning




Novice performing
Large errors
Varied results
Know that they are making mistakes
Needs help to correct them
Rapid improvement
Can perform the basic skill with less frequent errors
Athlete has a feel for the desired skill
Able to adjust skill
Training involves refining the skill to perfect technique
Consistently able to perform the desired result
Achieve the skill without consciously thinking about whole/part of the skill
Movement responses are automatic
Can identify problems and adjust appropriately
Training would involve tactics and strategies rather than refining skill

Types of Practice



Practicing the same skill continually without changing to a different task.
Appropriate for beginners when they are first trying to understand and reproduce a skill
Impact on motivation levels
Varied sequences of different skills in the same training session.
Suitable for performers in the associative and autonomous stages
Some skills are best broken down into smaller parts, particularly for the beginner. The athlete must still practice the whole skill to perform it correctly.
Less frequent training sessions for longer periods of time.
Less rest and fatigue more likely.

Physical/ mental practice Variability of

M. Nguyen
PE Unit 2
Shorter, but more frequent training sessions- most professional teams
Combination of both is very useful to most athletes.
Mental practice involves picturing in your mind the skill you are learning- is used in practice and preparation for the performance.
May be helped by watching a video or listening to a coaches instructions
Particularly important in team sports so that you can modify your performance to actual game conditions.

Feedback (definition) – important to compare your performance to the ideal performance Internal (inherent)

The athlete receives information about the feel of their performance from their own senses (hitting a baseball in the sweet spot)

External (augmented)

Provided by external sources. E.g. feedback from trainers or coaches
Feedback that has a positive impact on the athlete
Can increase motivation and self esteem
Highlighting the errors of performance and improvements that can be made
Negative feedback should be followed by positive feedback
Knowledge of the outcome of the performance
Knowledge provided externally or internally about the quality of performance Negative

Knowledge of results
Knowledge of performance

Feedback and the learner- need to know results without delay, positive feedback important to maintain motivation, demonstrations important, do not overload with too much information- only one or two key points.
Selective attentionInvolves the ability to concentrate on the important stimuli, whilst ignoring irrelevant stimuli
Skilled performers are good at selectively attending to the information that will help them make