Peaceful Resistance Civil Rights Movement

Words: 511
Pages: 3

Peaceful resistance is the absolute key to a healthy free society. Without peaceful options, people are left to violent means of expression. Peaceful resistance allows government leaders to hear what the people believe, feel and cry out. It's transitioned societies from being small minded and hateful, to understanding and accepting. Without peaceful resistance, free society would not be so free.
The first story about peaceful resistance most children in California learn about, is Rosa Parks's bus arrest. By peacefully declining to remove herself from her seat for a white man, Rosa Parks demonstrated her defiance against the unconstitutional Jim Crow laws of Alabama. She accepted the full punishment and was arrested by the local police for her insubordination. Many historians believe that this event was one spark to the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement. Without peaceful resistance, where would that movement be now?
About a decade later, famous already for his skills in the ring, Muhammad Ali refused to be drafted for the Vietnam War,
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The Women's March that ensued in multiple cities saw thousands, even millions of peaceful protesters. Having personally attended the one in San Diego, it was amazing to see the vivacity and unity among the crowd. Everyone was banded together against one cause. The march could be considered a minor civil disobedience because it was millions of people fighting a government, society and patriarchy that they feel is unjust, while not going to lengths that needed punishment. This march positively impacted the free society in the United States by uniting people together and telling their government that change needs to happen. Even in a time of such uncertainty and anger, it is a beautiful thing for people to able to protest in that kind of number with no arrests, deaths or violent