I learned a lot in introduction to College Writing class. I first off, learned about how much peer reviews can help a writer with improving your grammar; it also helps make sure that what you are trying to say makes sense to the readers. Peer reviews also helped me by getting different points of view which helped me get good ideas for making my papers more interesting. Peer …show more content…
The Graphic organizers that I used really helped me get my thoughts down which helped me not to forget major points that I wanted to get in my paper.
I also learned about not using “forbidden words.” I personally thought this was one of more difficult things that I had to get used to in this class, but with help from the teacher and the peer reviews I got through it. I think that my writing, without the use of forbidden words, forced me to think of other words to use in my paper which helped improve my paper by using a variety of different words instead of the same old words that I used all the time before.
Another great concept I learned from this class was how to correctly do a works cited page. A lot of the process of sighting sources was a review, but then there were things I didn’t know, and things that I need clarification on. An example of something I didn’t know about citing sources was if you use an online book you have to use, “Retrieved by and DOI number, or the URL address” at the end of each source you