“The Perfect Storm”
Grey's Anatomy is a medical television show set at the fictional Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital in Seattle. The episodes cover the stories of several residents and interns at the hospital as they try to balance their personal lives with the burdens of their medical training. The chief character is Meredith Grey, who is married to a neurosurgeon, Dr. Derek Sheppard, at the hospital. The series follows Meredith Grey’s life as the daughter of world-renowned surgeon Ellis Grey, and covers her relationship with her husband, her best friend Cristina Yang, and her relations with the other doctors and staff. Meredith Grey is compassionate, intelligent, hard-working, has great medical instincts, and a natural skill for medicine. And unlike Derek, who sees everything in shades of black and white, Meredith usually sees things in shades of gray. During the episode titled, “The Perfect Storm”, Meredith goes into labor earlier than anticipated, as a storm rages over Seattle. Both Derek and Cristina argue over whether Meredith does or doesn't want drugs. Cristina stayed by Meredith’s side while Derek went to look for a doctor. Derek eventually found the doctor who would deliver Meredith’s baby, and as she did a check-up on Meredith, she told both Meredith and Derek that there was face presentation. As the doctor mentions that a C-section is needed to deliver the baby safely, the electricity went out and the back-up generators failed to kick in. Although they were uncertain about surgery being performed in the dark, they realized there wasn't any other option. Despite the odds that were against them, the surgery went well, and Derek walks proudly as he takes his newborn son to the NICU to make sure that everything was fine. Back in the operating room, the doctor who delivered the baby was called away for another mother in need, therefore she and Meredith trusted another intern, Shane, to close up. Meredith can see that blood is seeping through her IV, and realized that she could have been bleeding internally after her fall on the stairs. She tells Shane to open her up again to find the source of the bleed, but he’s very nervous, and Meredith has to walk him