Personal Narrative: A Shrinking Machine

Words: 830
Pages: 4

I sat there at the table waiting for Trevor to come back from getting his apple when I glanced and saw some strange thing out the corner of my eye. On the big table in the in the back of Mrs.Johlers room sat a huge machine with table cloth covering it. Earlier that day I heard Mrs.Johler talking to ms.Kaiser about a shrinking machine that she just finished. I was very interested in it so I decided to walk over and check it out. I grabbed the table cloth and started to tug it off. As I did that a part of the cloth got stuck on the on switch and turned it on.

ZAPPP…. I fell in fear. I got back up and realized what I had just done. I turned it on and It was about to zap me. A beam of laser zapped me and I began to shirk. Slowly and slowly,
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I looked around in shock. His teeth were chomping down on the apple, which was causing a loud booming around me. His teeth, which are a part of the skeletal system, but isn't actually counted as a bone. Your teeth are the strongest substance in your body. I could see the teeth crushing apple into tiny pieces. Then his body created a chemical reaction when his Sylvia broke down the tiny apple pieces. He used his tongue and jaw which is a part of the muscular system which worked together with the skeletal system to eat the …show more content…
I got launched to his esophagus. I flew quickly down his throat with the apple quickly following me. I then fell into the acids in his stomach, which they began to burn my whole body. I jumped started onto the apple where I would only be safe for a little because the acids was starting to break down the apple too. I made my way to a little area where I would be safe from the acid. I started walking around when I saw something whizz past me.It was a red blood cell from the circulatory system, bringing blood to all parts of the body. The circulatory works with the body and some of the systems to provide them with blood so they can function. It was really cool seeing usually so small to use magnify and become gigantic. While standing there watching the red blood cells do their work i could hear a loud booming around me. I couldn't see it but i knew where it was coming from. It was his heart which is also apart of the circulatory system. The heart's job is to pump blood throughout the body which they use for their daily