Personal Narrative-Shrinking Machine

Words: 640
Pages: 3

I walked into the science classroom and the saw a machine under cloth. I lift up the cloth and just as the corner was going to make it off it caught the on switch of the machine. ZAP! Everything grew large and all of a sudden it seemed I was on top of an apple. That must have been Mrs. Johler shrinking machine. Out of know where the apple started to rise. I look forward and see Ben. He opens his mouth, which uses the muscular system, and chops down on the apple. The voluntary movement of the jaw and the sharp teeth, which is made of the same material as bone and is part of the skeletal system, nearly crushes me.
Ben keeps chewing and after a few seconds he swallows. I am sent down a dark long tunnel I believe is the esophagus. The walls around contact and move. After about 10 seconds I was sent on a long fall. Plop! I land in an acidic liquid. I quickly climb onto the apple piece so I do not burn. I notice I am in the stomach and I want to find a way out of this place because I did not want to be broken down to small nutrients molecules, which is part of the digestive system.
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I manage to squeeze myself through skin and when I look back I see the apple piece dissolve and turn into tiny molecules. I climb into a blood vessel where I see red blood cells fly by me. I start to worry. I soon realized this is a part of the circulatory system, and they are only going to transfer oxygen throughout the body, so I stop worrying. Thanks to the immune system white blood cells came out of nowhere and start attacking me. I felt helpless. I thought I was going to die. They must think I am a disease or something. Then they stopped. They realized I was no harm. Then I realize waste and urea getting removed and put into the kidney up ahead. I feel scared. I don't want to be turned into urine by the excretory system. I need to get out. I see and opening to get out and I go for