Personal Narrative: How My Class Changed My Writing Skills

Words: 519
Pages: 3

Let me tell you something, this class has changed my writing skills along with my attitude towards due dates. I used to approach writing as an everyday thing, something that I honestly took for granted. Now I realize writing a grand essay could get me money for my future, it could get me into a college, it could change a life. At first I thought I would ace this class no problem, I would allow myself to succumb to procrastination and somehow write three page essays at three in the morning with a large cup of pure caffeine and be fine. Boy was I wrong, procrastination in this class has been my worst nightmare, simply because writing has been an easy subject for me. I expected this class to be a freebie, but you weren't lying when you said it was going to be the hardest class I took.
I’ve grown throughout the course of this class not only emotionally, physically and mentally due to outside issues, but I have absorbed a lot. I have brushed up on spelling, grammar and the oh so dreaded comma splices that I apparently tend to use a lot. That habit came from writing very blunt, and broken slam poetry that to this day still sucks in the grammar and punctuation departments. I have found good resources to improve my grammar and comma skills, there is a website that is called Grammarly, it shows you what's wrong and how to fix
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Because of this class I feel more prepared for college homework, and the late night struggles I’m sure will join it. Honestly without this class I probably would've forgotten 99% of the information I currently know about writing. Even though I hated doing them, No Red Ink helped a lot, and were quite funny at times. Samples, guidelines, good and bad examples helped me to more understand how certain papers should be formatted, and I finally learned how to make a header, which is